Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Exercise - A sequence of composition

Street photography, to me, is really difficult. when i see something that is quite interesting, the moment happens only a very short period and the next i know, it's gone. sometimes when i take photo without thinking too much, the exposure often get well over exposed because I tend to leave the setting on AV mode.
I first work on this exercise last weekend when i went to the local market in Croydon. I felt weird being in the market taking photos of people. I was afraid i would get shout at. so i didn't take that many photos.
The second time I went to Croydon again, this time I happened to witness an event about Good Friday. Jesus was taken off the cross, carried over town to be buried some where. I then started taking photo.

These three photos have been selected over a number of photos I took of Jesus being carried. There were a number of audience so I had to zoom in using telephoto lens.

These are the followers.

I could see this lady looked very sad. I could see it in her eyes.
I should have zoomed in a bit more to her face but at that time i had a wider angle lens on and by the time i changed the lens back to telephoto, they would have gone.

I will have to pracetice street photography more. having to get used to capturing the moment is quite difficult.

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